« Home | Emily rocks my world. » | Just when I thought Rob couldn't get any dumber, h... » | I expect to be doing a lot of this tomorrow at the... » | Note about my post on Friday at 11 pm - either som... » | Let's talk about why Saturday was awesome, in chro... » | I know I'm the pinnacle of human evolution (hahaha... » | Mmm... Blueberry muffins straight out of the oven... » | Hooray! Now I have a date to go see Les Mis with! » | In other Darkest Hour news, I have coined the term... » | Seeing Darkest Hour again tonight made me want to ... »

So all in all the Career Fair has been pretty worthless. No one there is in any position to actually offer me a job, but at least they're engineers, so I could get a feel for the type of people who work for the company and what they do. Then again, maybe I'll get lucky and get called back for an interview with someone. Hey, it coudl happen... I was very excited about Bose yesterday and sorely dissapointed by the reps from Motorola who knew jack about anything but "smart batteries." Also, the reps from State Department Diplomatic Security were awesome and sounded like they were about ready to offer me a job on the spot because I've lived overseas so much, but instead they offered me an interview in a couple weeks, so that's promising. Then today Lucent really dissapointed me. I know they just closed their Atlanta branch, but it seems like the whole company is headed somewhere in a handbasket. On the other hand, the NSA recruiters seemed very intimidating to everyone who walked by except me. It was funny talking to them because all these other people would intentionally go out of their way to walk as far away from their table as possible. They seemed genuinely interested in the fact that I had done some basic research on cryptography on my own, but seeing as how I'm not a 4.0 student, my chances of actually working at the NSA are slim to none. On a side note, does anyone else find it odd that the two places I'm the most interested in working are both government posts?

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  • I'm Rev. Adam
  • From Oakton, Virginia, United States
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