My uncle's neighborhood is a lot hillier on foot than it is by car... I ran tonight for the first time in like 3 years probably. It was painful. All the long hills didn't help matters. I ran about half a mile out of my planned 2 mile circuit and decided that maybe 1 mile would be a good start for the first strenuous physical exercise I've had in a long time. So I did my whole mile, and about passed out when I walked back in the door. My resting heart rate is about 60 bpm and my target rate from back when I used to run track was between 120 and 140. Anything much higher than that just used to make me feel sick. Well, tonight my pulse was a nice 150ish when I finished running. No wonder I wanted to pass out ;) Oh well. The first 2 weeks of running I knew were going to be painful, but after that my body should begin to adjust again and then it'll be all downhill. And then back up, then down, up down up down. Stupid hilly suburbia...