I've been meaning to post about this for some time now. The Tag body spray commericals really piss me off. I mean, I know they're totally unrealistic anyway, and I can accept a 40 year old woman being attracted (in commercial-land) to a 22 year old who uses a certain cologne/soap/body wash/etc. I mean, even in the "real" world, Demi Moore and Ashton Kutcher and presumably still a thing, so it's at least got a shred of plausibility. But what bothers me the most out of any of it is the commercial with girls writhing around on what might as well be a stripper poll. Only you find out at the end of the commerical that it's really some guys shower drain. Who the fuck designed this building??? Revoke his license immediately! What else did he screw up? Routing the toilet flow horizontally through someone's living room? I know commericals (especially for beer, cars, & fragrances) are hardly rooted in reality, but if you want me to buy into your fantasy world, it's gotta be at least marginally believeable. There will NEVER be a shower drain running 3 stories straight down through other people's living spaces. And if there is, the entire construction crew, the foreman, the architect, the inspector, every single one of them would have lost their jobs. It's funny how the smallest things make me the angriest...