Happy birthday to my brother! You were born on election day 22 years ago, and here it is election day all over again. Speaking of which, if you haven't already voted, go, now! And although I'm not going to endorse any one candidate over another here, I will say that you should maybe think about selecting a gubernatorial option who doesn't spend 95% of his campaign budget on smear ads of his primary opponent. *cough* Jerry Kilgore *cough cough* Tim Kaine *cough cough* Anyway, do some research - the internet is great for that sort of thing by the way - then go vote. Research first, make an informed decision, then vote. Not some other insane order. That's how people like Arnold get to be Governors and how conservative states get ludicrous laws passed, like Florida's "if you look at me funny I'll gun you down" law. Also, for as famous as Texas is for capital punishment, did you know that good ol' Virginia has had more executions that any other state/commonwealth? True, they've been around a lot longer, but still. More than Texas? Yikes...