I've decided the thing I hate most about working is having to look presentable. I mean, my version of presentable just conflicts with our dress code policies... As far as I'm concerned, jeans, tennis shoes, and a shirt that doesn't say anything controversial on it sounds good enough to me. And the worst part of this whole presentable thing is shaving. I mean, who decided that that was a good idea?? I can usually get by with shaving every other day and not look "sloppy," sometimes 3 if I wear high neck shirts and shave at night... If I go to class and haven't shaved for 3 or 4 (or 10) days, no one cares. That may be the reason I never get any action, but at least I'm comfortable. I dunno, maybe I'm just lazy. It's not like shaving takes very long or is particularly hard. It just sucks. On the other hand, 5 years ago, Coke was all suit and tie, black or navy. So I guess I'm lucky that I at least can wear khakis and a polo shirt... But on yet a third hand, if the whole company was still suit and tie, they probably wouldn't have hired me, or I would have foudn a different job on my own. Cause I'm definitely too poor to work in an office that requires suits. Either that or everyone would have to put up with my $5 thrift store suits that are in decent condition but just look bad on me. Cause I'll be damned if I'm goign to go out and buy 3 or 4 decent suits to wear to work and then have them dry cleaned every week. Fuck that. But back to the first hand, shaving still sucks.