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You know how sometimes when you're really tired, time passes without you even realizing it? Like, you blink and all of a sudden it's 15 minutes later... I'm not sure what happens in those 15 minutes. Maybe you get abducted by aliens. More likely you just fall asleep right where you are and for whatever reason you don't fall over. You know what I'm talking about? Or have you ever been driving somewhere and all of a sudden you realize you're at your destination but you don't remember how you got there? I think these two events are related. Hopefully you're not driving in your sleep, although that's certainly possible if you're driving through dirty dirty Texas. (Until the retaining wall suddenly meets the side of your tour van.. er, i mean, um, nevermind...) I'm just saying that your mind turns off for a short period and yet yoru body continues to function perfectly well. For example: this morning I left for work. I remember getting in the car and driving out of my apartment complex. I remember the big van that was blocking the road near the Texxaco. I knwo I got onto 75. Then I was in the first floor of the parking deck. Now, it's not like my commute really changes very much on any given day. I rarely even change lanes on the highway. So it should come as no shock that I can't remember anythign specific about my commute. The weird part is that I don't remember commuting at all. It's like I got on the highway and entered a rift in the space-time continuum which deposited me at the office 20 minutes later. Now maybe I've just gotten so used to my commute that I don't even think about it anymore. I block it right out of my memory. But isn't it more likely that an elite group of terrorists has foudn a way to alter our consciousness with some sort of new futuristic weapon given to them by aliens from 2613 who can time travel? Yeah, you're right, that's not very likely at all... Oh well. Maybe Bane was just too loud and it temporarily disabled my short term memory while I was in the car. Who knows.

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  • I'm Rev. Adam
  • From Oakton, Virginia, United States
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