Between the time I got home on Thursday around 3 pm and now, I think I've watched probably 36+ hours of television. I know, that's really really sad.... It's not like I don't have any other stuff to do. "It's a problem of motivation Bob..." It's just that I don't care. Usualyl I can count on Brian being very studious and keeping me on track, but this semester he's been much more lax in his attitude toward school than usual and it's so easy to just follow suit and blow off school work until the last minute. *sigh* I need to graduate. My brain is unwilling to learn anymore. Unwilling to learn useless information at least. I spent 6 hours the other day reading up on electronic circuits I wanted to use in my stereo setup. But I get antsy after 20 minutes of my materials science class... Go figure. Here's to procrastination...