Everyone in the DC area should go see this exhibit at the Corcoran. The impressionist period is sort of hit or miss with me. I like about half of the pieces from the era, and the other half are I have no interest in at all. But this exhibit is pretty cool. This sculptor, Johnson, has created slightly larger than life scale models of the figures in several impressionist paintings, and then created backgrounds to display them against. And it's actually very cool because you can effectively walk into and around paintings done originally be Renoir, Van Gogh, Monet, and so forth. The coolest part is that there are markers on the floor to indicate where to stand to see the exact same point of view as the original painting. So you can go stand inside the exhibit and have someone take a picture of you from that point and it really does look like you are part of the painting. Very fun concept. Go see it if you can.