« Home | Ah packing. Now that Brian's all packed up and mo... » | It's only been 2 hours since she left my arms, how... » | Seth Watts is my frickin' hero!!! I love you man. » | Congrats to the following people on being done wit... » | School's out for 3 weeks, so how am I celebrating?... » | done!! woo!! time for a serious nap. » | Also, I would like it noted for the record that Em... » | I never thought I'd say this, but I miss daylight!... » | Sleeping at night is overrated. Sleeping during t... » | Lesson for the day: If you're going to dress up t... »

Yay! Grades are up for fall semester. Who got a 3.0? Me. That's right, Dean's List for me. My best semester ever (for so many reasons, most of which start with E and have nothing to do with my GPA) pulls my overall GPA up to a 2.48, which I can round up to a 2.5. I'm so very close to my goal of graduating with a 2.5 that I might actually be able to pull it off now. Woo!! Also, props to Brian who found out he did indeed receive a C in DSP, which means his commencement ceremony wasn't all for naught.

About me

  • I'm Rev. Adam
  • From Oakton, Virginia, United States
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