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So Brian has a subscription to Maxim, which shows up every month like clockwork, despite the fact he never asked for it or paid for it. Usuaully I just shake my head at whichever starlet is featured on teh cover wearing barely any clothes and throw the whole thing straight in the trash. Brian also gets Stuff and Blender I think. Which are all basically the same magazine. Trashy girls, crappy writing, dumb captions for pictures, ignorant reviews of bad music. Basically, all these magazines want to be Playboy, but fail miserably, because they desperately need the high school kids to keep their profit margins high, which means they can't show anyone completely nude, and they have to avoid a few topics like the plague. Anyway, out of morbid curiosity last night, I started flipping through the March issue of Maxim. Lo and behold there was a brief interview with Snoop Dogg (so the magazine wasn't a total waste) which I will now take an excerpt from, reprint it without permission, and hope they threaten to cancel Brian's subscription:
Which new rappers are the real deal?
I like 50 Cent. He hard as fuck. I like them boys from down south. All these south boys been coming with it lately.
Who sucks?
Anyone on Death Row Records. [ed - several of Snoop's earlier records were on Death Row.]
Which celebrity would you most want to bitch-slap?
Bill O'Reilly - that bitch-ass.
Any particular reason?
'Cause he's a bitch.
What's the difference between the rap game and the Hollywood game?
Hollywood is bullshit. Rap is real shit. Everything in rap is real.
You've had hit records, directed videos, starred in your own TV show, acted in big movies - is there anything else you still feel you want to accomplish?
I'd like to get deeper into the acting shit. Get bigger roles, work with bigger directors and bigger actors. I'd like to step out of all these urban roles too, and maybe get myself an Academy Award or some shit, you dig?

Good luck to the D O double G, and thanks for his words of infinite wisdom...

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  • I'm Rev. Adam
  • From Oakton, Virginia, United States
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