I knew that sooner or later this semester I'd hit a point where I just didn't care about school. It hasn't happened in a broad sense yet. But motivation to study for this psych test (on personality theory) tomorrow is really hard to come by. I'm taking the class pass/fail, we get to drop our lowest test grade (as I just remembered/found out), I don't even need to pass the class to graduate, and failing the class has no impact on my (admittedly poor enough) GPA. "So I ask you Bob, where's the motivation?" I'm too poor a student to really try to do well on something I don't need to do well at, but I'm too conscientious a student to just completely blow it off and not study at all, or worse yet, not even take the test. But I figure if I'm going to take the test at all, I might as well attempt to pass... Here's to my educational mediocrity!