« Home | Time for an update:We had a great time in Columbia... » | Well, I'm all packed for spring break. Yay! Tomo... » | New Zuma high score: 112,650. Take that Emily's ... » | Yes, my excitement over the Duke win and about spr... » | To quote ESPN's Basketball Power 16, "Nobody wins ... » | Take that Duke!!! 41 game home win streak what? ... » | That unnamed guy on the left, with Afghan Presiden... » | The good news is that I'm not sick. At least, I d... » | Zuma high schore update: 106,200 » | I hope this isn't the flu I feel coming on, but ju... »

Picking up where we left off:
After our game ended on Friday (we won!!), we headed over to Tommy and Steph's for a ravioli dinner that was mighty tasty and some lemon meringue pie. Mmmm... We watched SLC Punk! again and Emily got to see what happens when you put me and Tommy together. After seeing the sparks of me and Chris being in the same room, having Steph relate stories of me and Tommy coming up with things like brick-launchers or how to mount an anti-aircraft gun in the back of a Dodge Ram could have been a little frightening. But I think she handled the geekiness admirably. We also enjoyed the latest additions to the menagerie, a cute little ferret named Murphy, and a new cat who's name I have forgotten. Then we went home to an empty house and enjoyed just having some time to ourselves to unwind a little bit.
Saturday began with our refusal to get out of bed despite the alarm clock's insistence to the contrary. But we finally got up and went down to the National Zoo. It was a little windier than we'd anticipated and so it was accordingly colder. Some of the animals weren't outside because of the weather, but we still were treated to a number of fun animals and I got some good pictures. Those (along with my DC pictures) will be posted after school tomorrow. My brother arrived home on Saturday evening around the same time we got back form the zoo. After GT's loss to Duke, we were excited to find out that Maryland had beaten NC State in their game. So we went to Outback, found a 1.5 hour wait ahead of us, and went to Brion's Grille instead.
This morning we got up, had some sticky buns from the Amish country that made the return trip with my brother and then packed some sandwiches and hit the road around 12:30 after getting gas. Much to our astonishment and absolute glee, Maryland upset Duke in the ACC Championship game while we were driving down I-85 past Durham. So take that Dookies!! And hooray for Maryland! They are on some sort of hot streak right now that I think could propel them easily into the Sweet 16 if not the Elite 8. Anyway, we made great time coming home, despite some mild construction, a little congestion around Charlotte, trucks in the left lanes, and elderly Asian women swerving all over the road. We rolled to a stop at Tech at 8:57 pm, which I think sets a new record for me on the drive from Fairfax to Atlanta. I need to take Emily in the car whenever I go on road trips. Not only is she a talented "CD bitch," but she's also great company and some sort of good luck charm for making the miles just melt away.
So now I'm back home, having accomplished none of the school work I "intended" to do this week. But I had such a great time with Emily doing all the touristy DC stuff that I don't even care about school right now. I am sad however that I didn't get to see Caryn and Kristin while I was home. I really wanted them to meet Emily and vice versa. Maybe next time around.
NCAA brackets are available and GT has earned a #3 seed in the St. Louis bracket, which is very exciting. We're easily a Sweet 16 team as well, and I think we've got what it takes to bump off the Zags to make the Elite 8 and I'd love to see a matchup against Kentucky. Beating them wins our division and puts us in the Final 4, playing against (in my own bracket picks) Pittsburgh for a chance to take on either Duke or UConn for the championship. UConn is the most subject to change; they could easily be replaced by either NC State or Maryland the way Maryland is playing right now. Anyway, enough (is there such a thing?) sports for now. I'm off to bed. Pictures will be posted tomorrow.

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  • I'm Rev. Adam
  • From Oakton, Virginia, United States
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