I was informed today via my dad that my moderately progressive grandparents think some material on my website is offensive and could potentially jeopardize getting my final security clearance if it was viewed by the conservative ex-military republicans who are currently hard at work investigating my trustworthiness to possess information that could be damaging to the United States. I'm not sure exactly what they mean, whether it's my blog or my website, but in either case, I don't particularly plan to change anything. Yes, I have problems with our government, it's no secret. The Constitution guarantees my right to criticize our government so long as I don't plan to overthrow it. Yes I have problems with Republicans (and a lot of Democrats for that matter). Yes I have issues with Religion (as a mass phenonenon). Yes I have a bone to pick with corporate America. I can't think of anything along these or other lines that I've posted on either site that would have a severely negative impact on my clearance, especially when taken into consideration against everything else I do and say, but it's nice to know my family is trying to look out for me. =) If anyone can pinpoint something more specific, I'm happy to entertain suggestions as to what they were referring to. *shrug*