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I meant to post this on Veteran's Day, but seeing as how I was in Bremerton with no computer access, it didn't happen. But at least I was surrounded by a bunch of 18-21 year old kids who couldn't afford and/or get into college and who operate an excessively lethal billions-of-dollars piece of equipment... If that wasn't scary enough, did you know that when a fully armed Ohio Class submarine (the ones that carry the sea-launchable ballistic nuclear weapons) goes out on a mission, it becomes the 3rd largest nuclear power on the planet? For that very reason, the commanding officer has an escort 24 hours a day armed with an M-16, even onboard. Anyway, enough scariness, here's an excerpt from Hatebreed's We Still Fight (ooo, scary music!):

How do you justify (you have no right)
The way you disgrace those who gave their lives
And how do you justify (you have no right)
The way you disrespect those who's loved ones died
This is dedicated to all the people who have given their lives to uphold their beliefs
Not to those who try to demean their sacrifices
You have no right
For those who fought for our rights & for those who gave their lives
And for the families whose loved ones died
It's their honor for which we still fight

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  • I'm Rev. Adam
  • From Oakton, Virginia, United States
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