Duke fans are assholes. The four people wearing Ronald McDonald costumes and holding signs that say: "Luke, I am your father" should be banned from all sporting events for life. It's one thing to go wild as a fan in support of yoru own team, wearing crazy getups and sporting signs and so on. But to deliberately attack a member of the opposing team, that's uncalled for. It's like the people I heard making fun of Maryland's DJ Strawberry last year when they came to GT, just because Daryll had a cocaine problem. You can all go to hell. Especially the Duke fans when they played Maryland who thought it appropriate to bring in bags of flour and powder their noses with it at the game. Cheer for your own team, root for your own players, boo the refs if they miss a call, chant "airball" when an opposing player whiffs, but never insult another player. It reflects badly on you and your entire school. And you wonder why people hate Duke so much? At least I don't have to listen to Dick Vitale commentate this game. That would be almost unbearable.