Just got back from my uncle Bobby's. He called a little while ago and said my grandmother was coming over and that I was welcome to stop by for tea and dessert since it was boys-only this weekend (except my grandmother...). So I did, and I got some baklava and bread pudding separated by herbal tea. We also played Scrabble, which I'm always resistant to starting with my grandmother, but always do well at once we get going. I ended up with 223 points while Bobby, had 129, Grandma 103 and Daniel had 93. The poor kid got 3 U's and 4 I's at one point on his rack. Seriously, what do you do with that? But I got 95 points in one turn from using all 7 tiles to spell REAVOWS on a triple word score. Go me. Total score was 548, so it was a good game all around.