« Home | Emily and I went to Hershey, PA on Saturday, where... » | Pictures of Sonja and Zoey are available here. » | Who wants to take a road trip to Miami this weeken... » | My nose is running like a faucet. I hope this mea... » | The thing about 4-day weeks (last week) is that th... » | Happy birthday to Jean Luc Picard, er, I mean, Pat... » | I hate when we try to fix things at the last minut... » | This weekend was pretty nice. We had originally p... » | *phew* I just got off the phone with a Senior Chi... » | We picked up our chinchillas today! =) They're s... »

Some good news about shelling out money: I was paying my bills on Friday and it turns out that my car insurance got $52 cheaper over this next 6 month period! Yay! Also, I signed my new lease for another year at the Jefferson. Although my monthly rent increased about $85, I owe no rent for July 2006 (why they didn't just prorate it is beyond me...), but it means that over the course of the year, I'm actually paying lessin rent than I did this past year. Emily said that maybe this means I'll stop threatening to buy a house next year. We'll see. I've done some initial (and very rough) number crunching, and (especially now that I'm actually saving an extra $275 in rent over the next year, and about $100 in car insurance), I think I could actually afford to buy a house next year in the 3-400K range. A townhouse probably, because most free-standing houses around here are simply out of my price range (try .5M on the low end), but a house nonetheless. How many other 25 year olds in the DC area own their own house? Anyway, I've got 10 months to ponder it over before I have to give my leasing office 60 days notice of my intention to vacate, so we'll see how things play out and what the real estate market does.

About me

  • I'm Rev. Adam
  • From Oakton, Virginia, United States
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