What happened to October? I know I'm not the first person to post something like this, but I woke up this morning and it was the 19th already. We're 2/3 of the way through the month and I'd barely realized the month had started! On the plus side, that means it's almost November, which means it's almost Thanksgiving, which means it's almost time for Emily's graduation! I know, I know, it's still 2 months away, but it's creeping up pretty fast. Lots of things to get done and plan out before then of course, but I'm excited. That and sleepy. Despite going to bed at midnight last night, getting up at 8:30 was entirely too difficult. After my 4-day weekend, I need to get back into work mode for the remainder of today and for the next 2 days. Anyway, lots of fun stuff this weekend, but I'll post about it later. For now there's lots of work to catch up on.