Saturday, December 22, 2007

As of 4 pm Thursday, I am officially on vacation until 2008. Eat it everyone who had to work yesterday. In related news, I'm ready (though only just) for Christmas. Everything arrived in the (Saint) nick of time yesterday and it's all wrapped and we're ready to hit the road for Savannah. Happy Holidays to everyone, enjoy your vacations if you're taking them. I'm out.

Tuesday, December 18, 2007

They're not called the Criminoles for nothing. This tasty bit of news totally made my morning.

So. Very. Tired...

Saturday, December 15, 2007

Is it too late to cancel Christmas? Or at least postpone it a week? I mean, how good could medical records have been 2000 years ago? Especially when keeping track of everything using roman numerals. Someone call Mary and tell her that its just false labor pains and no, she can't have a cesarean. Don't get me wrong, I'm totally burned out and I need a vacation like crazy. But because work has been so insane and full of travel recently, I've totally dropped the ball on Christmas this year. I got most of my shopping done yesterday, but stuff I couldn't find in stores had to be ordered, and a lot of it is out of stock and backordered and even what's in stock is unlikely to be delivered on time. I had such a good holiday season last year that there was no way this year could even come close to begin with. But now I'm going to be disappointing a lot of other people too. I mean, who wants to open a big box only to find an IOU inside it? *sigh* Sorry everyone.

Thursday, December 13, 2007

Some updated chin pictures, as promised.

First off is Daphne taking a nap in two different seemingly uncomfortable positions.

Then Zoey showing a stick whatfor.

Sonja trying to figure out why my breath doesn't smell like hay.

A couple of Sonja and Zoey cuddling with each other.

And finally, Daphne trying to get comfortable with her Ducky.

Tuesday, December 04, 2007

I had a decent trip last week up to Kittery for some crew training. Everything went according to plan for once, I was astounded. It wasn't even as cold or snowy as it was supposed to be. Like everywhere else I've been, the area right around the base/shipyard was kinda crummy, but right over the bridge on Route 1 is Portsmouth, NH, which turns into a really upscale pedestrian-friendly shopping area. Lots of nice looking restaurants and boutique stores. Wish I'd had more free time on this trip to check it out a little more and to maybe hit the outlets in Kittery for some new shoes. Oh well.
GT flag football racked up another win on Sautrday morning, shutting out Virginia (a previous multi-season champion). We're 8-1 now, with lowly Emory left on the schedule before the tournament. We have the second-longest winning streak in the league, losing only to currently undefeated NC State in Week 1. Hopefully our success continues into the post-season. Meanwhile, GT varsity isn't doing so great. Although we dodged a bullet (okay, we got winged instead of shot point blank) in drawing Fresno State instead of Boise State in the Humanitarian Bowl. We lost to Fresno in the Silicon Valley bowl a few years ago, but hopefully a more neutral field will at least give us a fighting chance this time. The search for Gailey's replacement continues. Edsall and Johnson look like they're no-go's, but at least I haven't heard any more nonsense about hiring Tater Tot recently. It looks more and more likely that we'll be going with Chris Hatcher. I'm kind of indifferent about the whole situation until I actually see some progress.
Last night we crossed a couple more things off our to-do list for the wedding (plane tickets to Malta and choosing tuxedos) and had Chick-fil-a for dinner. Mmmm. We need to update our registries too, but that's really Emily's department. I mostly just smile and nod. And speaking of gifts, Christmas is just around the corner. We're hoping to retrieve our decorations from storage this week and start getting some things set up. First things first however is to stop off at home depot for some weather stripping. Our porch door doesn't sit right on its hinges, and it lets air whistle through it, which isn't too bad until it gets really windy like it's been recently, and then when it's cold air, that's even worse. We finally turned on the heater last night too, but it's still really cold in the chinchilla room, so they're extra bouncy these days. I should post some mroe pictures of them, we haven't done that in a while. Hooray for new projects!

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  • I'm Rev. Adam
  • From Oakton, Virginia, United States
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