Is it too late to cancel Christmas? Or at least postpone it a week? I mean, how good could medical records have been 2000 years ago? Especially when keeping track of everything using roman numerals. Someone call Mary and tell her that its just false labor pains and no, she can't have a cesarean. Don't get me wrong, I'm totally burned out and I need a vacation like crazy. But because work has been so insane and full of travel recently, I've totally dropped the ball on Christmas this year. I got most of my shopping done yesterday, but stuff I couldn't find in stores had to be ordered, and a lot of it is out of stock and backordered and even what's in stock is unlikely to be delivered on time. I had such a good holiday season last year that there was no way this year could even come close to begin with. But now I'm going to be disappointing a lot of other people too. I mean, who wants to open a big box only to find an IOU inside it? *sigh* Sorry everyone.