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I gotta give W some credit for his speech last night. The last thing I expected him to talk abotu was the environment. Even if he only did it to pander to the democrats who would hate the rest of his speech, at least he mentioned it and I'm glad to see him pledging 1.5 billion to hydrogen cell research. And since when is teh GOP compassionate or sympathetic to drug addicts or people with AIDS? Again, pandering to the speaker's right left side of the room, but hey, when half your speech is "justifying" a war on Iraq, you gotta put all the flowery stuff up front to butter up the liberals right? In fact, I'm not sure why it was called the State of the Union Address. The first half deserves that title. But the second half should have been a separate speech entitled, "Why We're Going to Bomb Iraq. Again." Oh well. Frankly, I'm sick of all this posturing. If we're goign to go to war, let's just do it and get it over with. All this sabre rattling is accomplishing nothing and we all know that it doesn't matter what the inspectors find or don't find, we'll find a way to "justify" a war one way or another. Oh well. But yeah, so props to the W for the environment and AIDS parts.

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  • From Oakton, Virginia, United States
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