"Bill my friend, strange things are afoot at the Circle-K." I'm sorry, I love Bill & Ted's Excellent Adventure. It's just such a great movie because it doesn't depend on Keanu's acting ability. After watching Dangerous Liaisons, it's eerie how similar all his motions are to his character Ted "Theodore" Logan. Complete with the vacant stare, head tilt, and spaced out voice. Also, how many other movies do you get to see Abraham Lincoln in a fist fight with a photographer, Socrates calling Sigmund Freud a geek, Beethoven claiming he likes Bon Jovi, and Ghengis Khan eating Twinkies? "San Dimas High School football rules!" Now that I've been properly motivated, it's time to start my paper on Dangerous Liaisons. I wouldn't want to be "in danger of failing most egregiously." It would be "most non-triumphant" dude.