This is the guy who bought my old 3DFX Voodoo3 2000. I listed it as an AGP card with 16MB of RAM, which it is. He specifically asked if I still had the AGP card (the Voodoo was the only AGP video card I was selling). I did, so we met up last week and made the exchange of goods for money.
The next day he claimed that it didn't fit in his computer. I needlessly (except for paranoia purposes) attatched a fan to the heatsink, which could easily have made it too large to fit in a proper AGP slot if there was another card below it. I explained that he could easily pop the fan off and it would be no big deal heat wise. He then explained that the reason the card didn't fit wasn't the fan, it was because the notches in the card didn't match up with the ribs in the motherboard slot. As in, there were too many ribs and not enough notches. This is complete bullshit if he was trying to put it in an AGP slot because that card is about 6 years old and I know they introduced AGP Pro, but that connector was 100% backwards compatible. And as far as I've heard, the newer AGP 8X cards all have the same mobo connectors, it's just a different bus speed.
What it comes down to is that either he's an idiot and doesn't know how cards go in slots (He's an AE major by the way. I have mixed feelings about AEs. They seem to really run the gammit of intelligence. Rob is a complete retard. Waqar is pretty bright, but he hates computers (blasphemy!!). And all of Emily's friends who are AEs seem really on the ball, so this guy could be anywhere.), or he bought my precious Voodoo (oh, how many hours of Half Life that card has seen...) AGP card and was trying to cram it into a PCI slot. Needless to say, short of going to his dorm and installing it for him (Brian suggested a $10 idiot fee, I mean, um, installation fee) I decided he was never going to get it to work.
So he wanted to give the card back, which is basically okay with me. I mean, I like my crisp new $20 bill, but I'm also not an asshole (although that's open for debate). So he sent me an email at 11:09 PM on Sunday asking if we could meet at 3 PM tomorrow (which I assumed meant Monday, wouldn't you?). I responded at 11:40 PM on Sunday, saying, yes that's fine, let's meet where we met before. So Monday rolls around, and at 3 PM Emily and I are standing around at the dairy queen sculpture waiting for Chris Booth to show up. By 3:15 I decided to give up and keep my $20. I had given him my cell phone number, so if he was busy or sick or in the hospital or just lazy, he could have called me. So I came home and checked my email expecting some sort of "Sorry I couldn't make it" or "I waited for you, where were you?" message. No dice.
It's now 1:24 AM on Wednesday, and still no communication from Mr. Dummy McStupid. I've just finished my homework and am now going to bed content with the fact that I sold a piece of computer hardware I no longer need to an idiot who apparently doesn't wants his $20 back anymore.

What it comes down to is that either he's an idiot and doesn't know how cards go in slots (He's an AE major by the way. I have mixed feelings about AEs. They seem to really run the gammit of intelligence. Rob is a complete retard. Waqar is pretty bright, but he hates computers (blasphemy!!). And all of Emily's friends who are AEs seem really on the ball, so this guy could be anywhere.), or he bought my precious Voodoo (oh, how many hours of Half Life that card has seen...) AGP card and was trying to cram it into a PCI slot. Needless to say, short of going to his dorm and installing it for him (Brian suggested a $10 idiot fee, I mean, um, installation fee) I decided he was never going to get it to work.
So he wanted to give the card back, which is basically okay with me. I mean, I like my crisp new $20 bill, but I'm also not an asshole (although that's open for debate). So he sent me an email at 11:09 PM on Sunday asking if we could meet at 3 PM tomorrow (which I assumed meant Monday, wouldn't you?). I responded at 11:40 PM on Sunday, saying, yes that's fine, let's meet where we met before. So Monday rolls around, and at 3 PM Emily and I are standing around at the dairy queen sculpture waiting for Chris Booth to show up. By 3:15 I decided to give up and keep my $20. I had given him my cell phone number, so if he was busy or sick or in the hospital or just lazy, he could have called me. So I came home and checked my email expecting some sort of "Sorry I couldn't make it" or "I waited for you, where were you?" message. No dice.
It's now 1:24 AM on Wednesday, and still no communication from Mr. Dummy McStupid. I've just finished my homework and am now going to bed content with the fact that I sold a piece of computer hardware I no longer need to an idiot who apparently doesn't wants his $20 back anymore.