My Audio test went okay today. I was up until roughly 5:30 last night finishing my homework and studying and making my notesheet. Also, in case you didn't already know this, you shouldn't leaves knives laying on the floor where you can step on them. Skipping French Revolution on Friday turned out to be a bad idea since he told us we had to turn in our bibliography for our research paper today, which Emily and I were unaware of. I'll just have to throw something together and hand it in Wednesday along with my lame (but truthful) excuse. And speaking of research paper, it's due April 16th. That's so soon. And I've basically done nothing yet. I'm going to have a lot of reading to do in the next 2 weeks so I can start writing. Not to mention all the reading to do for the class itself. *sigh* And then this week is shot with reading to do for my INTA test on Thursday, then basketball and Thrice on Thursday night, followed by our game on Friday night (and some other games as well). Maybe this weekend? Oh wait, I have another section of our Audio project due next Wednesday. And then if we win Friday, we'll have another game Sunday, so block out my whole weekend that isn't Audio to basketball. When did this semester stop being fun?? Oh wait, I know when. It stopped being fun as soon as spring break was over and suddenly my work load tripled somehow. Stupid school. I'd just say "to hell with it" and do a half-ass job on everything, except that I still have a chance of getting an A or two before I graduate.