So I was watching the Congressional 9/11 Commission hearings today when they were blasting Sgt. Rummy. Basically congress is blaming the Bush administration for terrorism and the Bush administration's officials are blaming inter-agency issues and the Clinton administration for terrorism. And yeah, this about sums it up...
The point is, no one could have prevented a couple planes from being hijacked and crashed into things without grounding EVERY airplane preemptively. And that's assuming that anyone knew for sure what day there was going to be a strike. The whole notion of preventing something like that is ridiculous in the manner they are examining it. To prevent terror, you have to stop it before it starts. Whether that's your liberal notion of not being such assholes to other countries and not arming/training people who are just going to turn around and blow us up. Or whether you take the more conservative approach of just blowing up every suspected terrorist training camp you can get your sights on and killing (or imprisoning indefinitely without a trial) anyone you suspect of being a terrorist.
Either way, you're not going to stop terrorism with a ballooning new bureaucratic department. And realistically, it's not going to be stopped with bullets. It's got to be stopped in the mind so that it never comes to bullets, bombs, and planes. Am I the only one who sees that? I know it's idealistic, but if people don't hate you, they have no reason to blow you up. And I promise you, just because we caught Saddam (who we trained and armed to help us fight Iran in the 80s, thank you very much Col. Ollie North...) and "liberated" Iraq, and are working hard to scrub the stain of the Taliban (who we trained and armed to help us fight that dastardly Communist threat from the Soviets) from Afghanistan, there are plenty of people out there who still hate Americans, and the more we intervene militarily, the worse it's going to get.

Either way, you're not going to stop terrorism with a ballooning new bureaucratic department. And realistically, it's not going to be stopped with bullets. It's got to be stopped in the mind so that it never comes to bullets, bombs, and planes. Am I the only one who sees that? I know it's idealistic, but if people don't hate you, they have no reason to blow you up. And I promise you, just because we caught Saddam (who we trained and armed to help us fight Iran in the 80s, thank you very much Col. Ollie North...) and "liberated" Iraq, and are working hard to scrub the stain of the Taliban (who we trained and armed to help us fight that dastardly Communist threat from the Soviets) from Afghanistan, there are plenty of people out there who still hate Americans, and the more we intervene militarily, the worse it's going to get.