And speaking of basketball, apparently Robert Brooks offered to get Emily, Michelle, and Kayre tickets to our Sweet 16 (and our possible Elite 8) game(s) in St. Louis. I know how much Emily wants to go, but she's got as much (if not more) work as I do, and I think she's a little concerned about driving all the way to St. Louis and then the tickets falling through. It would also mean skipping all her classes on Friday this week and probably all her classes on Monday. If March Madness was in January (and named therefore January, um, Jubilation?), I think she'd go in a heartbeat, especially since she passed on the ACC Tournament. Anyway, I know she's bummed about not being able to take advantage of such an exciting opportunity and about all the work she's got ahead of her, so Emily, this is for you (and if it cheers anyone else up in the process, hooray!):

Cause, really, what's funnier than hairy monkeys? ;)

Cause, really, what's funnier than hairy monkeys? ;)