Well, I'm effectively done with school. My audio test yesterday made me feel ill, but I got a 75.7 so I've got a B locked up, and if Leach is nice, maybe an A. I'm keeping my fingers crossed for an A in French Revolution too, though my paper might have shot that down. My INTA test is tomorrow. I haven't studied and I don't plan to. I can pass the class without trying at this point, and that's exactly what I plan to do. My parents arrive tonight with my dad's mother and my brother and my mom's parents arrive tomorrow. My room is pretty well packed up. Everything that needs to go in storage is boxed up and I've got everything in order with Public Storage. Now all I need to do is sit still for 3 hours on Saturday and then wait 6-8 weeks for a $53,750 (based solely on tuition, not counting any fees or housing or books or meal plan costs) piece of paper to arrive. Whoo!