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Oh no! The Zookster's reign of mediocrity at UF is over! ESPN.com - NCF - Source: Florida fires football coach Zook. This seems an especially bad time to fire a coach when you have the most important game of the season coming up. If Florida fails to beat UGA, I place the blame not on Zook, but on the Atheletic Director at Florida for his poor timing. Where will Ron's focus be right now? On the Dawgs? No. On finding a new job? Yes. Okay, okay, he's no Spurrier, get over it. How about firing him after they whoop Georgia? Or wait till the end of the season. Now you have a coach with no motivation to coach at all between now and december. Good planning Jeremy "I'm a retarded AD" Foley... And what were you thinking trying to get Bob Stoops? Why on earth would he leave the Big XII and OU when he's posied to win a National Championship again? "Excuse me coach, I'd like you to leave this school where you're a god and your team rules to come to my school where if you don't at least win the SEC your first year we'll hate you. Oh, by the way, all the good in-state talent in the last 3 years has gone to Miami and F$U instead of here. Good luck!" Idiots, idiots all around down there in Gainesville (except for the handful of cool people I know who went/go to UF). And Utah's head coach? I promise you, if Utah goes undefeated and becomes the first non-BCS conference team to make it to a BCS game this season, he's not going anywhere. I think Florida needs to look at JoePa. Seriously.

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  • I'm Rev. Adam
  • From Oakton, Virginia, United States
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