« Home | Kind of a slow day at work, which is nice sometime... » | I wish I was on fall break... Emily practically h... » | Oh my god, 6 hours is still so far away! Good thi... » | Forgot to mention this morning that someone (I thi... » | Talked to my parents on the phone yesterday for th... » | Less than 24 hours!!! =) » | The more things change, the more they stay the sam... » | You'll never guess who ran into Stacy Weller on Mo... » | Oh, it gets better! My office mate has had a stre... » | The guy I share my office with has been sick for t... »

This has been a nice weekend (and now weekday). Emily arrived on Friday evening and I met her at teh aiport. I was the envy of every woman coming off the plane as I stood there with my bouquet of roses attracting the spite of every other man who hadn't brought his lady flowers. We took the scenic route home so I could point out some important places. Saturday I made eggs for breakfast, we went shopping at Tysons, and then braved the rain (and a little hail) at Great Falls. I got scolded for climbing on rocks. I'm still a little boy at heart sometimes. Then we saw an amazing rainbow near my apartment, but couldn't get the camera out fast enough. We did our grocery, shopping, made dinner, got all dressed up/down, and had a tasty candlelight meal. We watched UVA collapse in Talahassee (poor Cavs), but they still have a shot at a good bowl game if they beat Miami and/or VT, and could potentialyl still win the ACC if they learn from their mistakes at F$U. Sunday Emily and I put our chef hats on and whipped up a storm in the kitchen. Acutally, I did most of the whipping of the heavy cream while Emily prepared the chicken. But we had zuchini fries, chicken alfredo over pasta, rotini with garlic marinara sauce, garlic bread, and a fresh salad, then fruit salad that turned purple for dessert. Silly frozen berries. But I think our "dinner party" was a success, everyone seemed to have a good time and they ate a lot (we still have a ton of leftover though). Then we headed over to my uncle Bobby and aunt Susan's for coffee and fresh homemade apple pie. Mmm... Then home to finish cleaning up the kitchen, get all cleaned up, and head to bed, play some cards cause I wasn't sleepy, and then head to bed again. Tonight we're going to meet up with Steph and/or Tommy to pick out some fish for my fish tank. I think that's about all of it up to me being at work today. Yay for fall break even though it's not my own and I have to be at work!

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  • I'm Rev. Adam
  • From Oakton, Virginia, United States
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