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I'm pretty sure I have chronic Insomnia. Symptoms:
   -Difficulty falling asleep, which can mean lying in bed for up to an hour or more, perhaps tossing and turning, wishing for sleep to begin. (check)
   -Awakening during sleep and having trouble getting back to sleep. (check)
   -Awakening too early in the morning. (check)
   -Feeling unrefreshed upon awakening. (check)
   -Daytime irritability, drowsiness, anxiety, and/or nonproductiveness. (check)
I will often not be able to fall asleep, then once I do, wake up an hour later for no discernable reason (ie, loud noises, having to use the bathroom, nightmares) and am then wide awake for 20-30 minutes. More recently (the past couple weeks) I've been waking up at 5 or 6 am and then tossing and turning for an hour to go back to sleep, just in time for my alarm to go off an hour later. I never wake up feeling refreshed, even on the weekends when I manage to sleep until 10 or 10:30. I'm frequently tired during the day and usually once or twice a week I fall asleep for an hour or two at dinner time. And although I'm not particularly irritable, silly little things often bother me way more than they should, so I stress out about them. I think I'm productive enough at work, but I never am able to accomplish anything at home anymore. *sigh* Oh well, I'm broken, whatever.

About me

  • I'm Rev. Adam
  • From Oakton, Virginia, United States
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