I have been sooo busy at work this week. I figured with both Manish and Dave back in the office, things would slow down a bit on my end. I mean, I'm back to doing my job instead of my job plus 3/4 of Manish's job plus 1/2 of Dave's job. But yet things have still been insane. And next week looks equally crazy. Whee. Everything looks like it's lined up for Tommy and Steph's wedding festivities this weekend. Grandma nearly had a hissy fit when she found out I was marrying them, and it wasn't in a church. Number 1, it's none of your business. Number 2, it's not really any of my business to tell you, even if I knew for sure why (though I do have a mighty good idea why). That's their choice for their reasons, so don't get so upset about something that doesn't affect you in any way whatsoever. In other news, Emily's leaving on Wednesday morning (*sob*), so this is our last weekend together. On one hand, I'm bummed that we're not getting a lot of alone time, but on the other hand, we're going to be having a lot of fun with some close friends doing something very special, so I'm okay with that. =) I just hope my busy schedule next week doesn't interefere with Emily-time before she has to leave. My family is back in town, but all at different times and different places, and trying to see them all for any meaningful length of tiem is really hard when I'm so busy and have long-standing plans already in place for most of the time they're here. Fortunately, this Sunday is the public expo for Brickfest, and I'm pretty stoked. This time I'm definitely taking my camera. Craig sent me something pretty awesome the other day that just might be in Arlington this weekend. Escher is cool and all, but Lego is vastly superior. Zoey and Sonja are doing fine. I think they're going to be sad when mommy leaves, but fortunately for them, they've got me wrapped around their little fingers on their cute little paws, so I'm sure they'll be okay. ;)