It's time for an SAT prep question!
Basketball Commentators:Duke::Football Commentators:_______
Give up? It's Notre Dame. That's right. The entire collective of ESPN/ABC announcers are currently having an orgasm over the fact that they beat a horrible (defending big east champ) Pitt team last week (Who lost to Ohio last night in over time. Seriously, Ohio. I wouldn't believe it either if I hadn't watched it.) and is now up on Michigan. Who cares? Michigan will bounce back to win and leaveeveryoen else dissapointed. Good. Now I just need Texas to steamroll the buckeyes so maybe Lee Corso's buckeye-headgear-wearing Freddie Krueger face will explode. I really should just watch college football on mute.
Basketball Commentators:Duke::Football Commentators:_______
Give up? It's Notre Dame. That's right. The entire collective of ESPN/ABC announcers are currently having an orgasm over the fact that they beat a horrible (defending big east champ) Pitt team last week (Who lost to Ohio last night in over time. Seriously, Ohio. I wouldn't believe it either if I hadn't watched it.) and is now up on Michigan. Who cares? Michigan will bounce back to win and leaveeveryoen else dissapointed. Good. Now I just need Texas to steamroll the buckeyes so maybe Lee Corso's buckeye-headgear-wearing Freddie Krueger face will explode. I really should just watch college football on mute.