« Home | Also, craiglist is awesome. After Ourisman offere... » | I have to say, I'm pretty bummed that my brand new... » | And speaking of good news, good riddance to Patric... » | Much to Brian's probable dismay, I finally decided... » | It's been a busy and productive weekend. I spent ... » | Why is it always raining when I want to go test dr... » | Is it the weekend yet? *sigh* I still have a ton... » | We start our 9/80 schedule this week, and while I'... » | By popular demand, this was taken by David and Lyn... » | What a vacation! The week before Christmas, I was... »

It appears that I've been neglecting my blog. It's not like I've had a lack of things to talk about, it's just that things have been insanely busy the last week or so. After a failed skiing outing in Charlottesville, Nana and Jimmy stopped into town on their way back to Erie and took us all out to dinner at Blue Iguana. Mmmm, good stuff. This was Friday a week ago. I did finally get rid of my Contour for $800 cash. I felt like some sort of drug dealer counting out $20 bills on my coffee table, but it was gone in time to drop it from my insurance before my bill was due, so that made me happy. Craiglist is great as long as the price is low enough and you're willing to scan every inquiry carefully so you don't get wrapped up in the good old, "I'll wire you twice as much money as it costs, then you write me a check for the remainder and give me the merchandise, by the time my check doesn't clear, I'll have your stuff and your money and you'll be out of luck!" I did get a couple of those, but they're usually pretty easy to spot. Anyway.
Last week was hectic at work. I hate those days when teh day ends and you can't think of a single thing you've accomplished, but you've been busy all day. Mostly that means putting out fires for other people isntead of doing your own work. Mark tendered his resignation, so we're losing yet another production guy, and this is the last one who ever worked with Manish, so that entire department is going to have some serious problems in the very near future. Luckily, we're in a bit of a downturn in development, so Dave and I got drafted into doing production work for the next few months until they hire and train someone new. Work's got to get done somehow. And at least with us doing it, it will give us a chance to put some better processes in place and better document what needs to be done down there so the next person they bring in won't be quite so lost.
Otherwise things are going fine, just super busy. Emily and I are still discussing preliminary wedding things and trying to get all the pieces put together for our summer road trip to Maine. The fuzzies are fine. Word on the street is that a couple of our favorite breeder's chinnies are pregnant, so we are keeping our fingers crossed to be able to get the girls new playmate after we move. We got our apartment switched to the floorplan we wanted in the building we wanted and with a better move-in date. Which means that in the next few weeks, all our stuff needs to start getting put in boxes. And a lot of my stuff needs to get sold, given away, or disposed of in some other way. Brian - I'm sorry buddy, but your awesome entertainment center has been given a death sentence. Maybe I'll keep all the material and use it for extra shelving in our closet or something. But in the mean time, I'm on the lookout for a new entertainment center that will accomodate my TV and all our other stuff that needs to go nearby it. Moving is always exciting, and this move has an added wrinkle, so hopefully everything will go more or less smoothly.

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  • I'm Rev. Adam
  • From Oakton, Virginia, United States
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