Happy Birthday Penny Arcade!

As a reader for almost all of those 10 years, I'm thrilled to see the site grow in popularity, remain successful, and never waver in their vision. Although Penny Arcade has grown from a simple comic strip into a global brand, with their own video game, countless art projects with other games, an enormous annual community get-together, their own childrens' charity, and who knows what else they've got up their sleeves, they've always delivered a consistent, quality product, even while juggling first wives and then children themselves. Congratulations guys and here's to 10 more!

As a reader for almost all of those 10 years, I'm thrilled to see the site grow in popularity, remain successful, and never waver in their vision. Although Penny Arcade has grown from a simple comic strip into a global brand, with their own video game, countless art projects with other games, an enormous annual community get-together, their own childrens' charity, and who knows what else they've got up their sleeves, they've always delivered a consistent, quality product, even while juggling first wives and then children themselves. Congratulations guys and here's to 10 more!