I suppose all this CHANGE nonsense has some truth behind it. I mean, for the first time since before I was born, there won't be a Clinton or a Bush in the White House (if you count Bush Sr's vice presidency under Reagan). I mean, sure, Hillary will technically be in the White House regularly as part of her Secretary of State duties, and if some horrendous disaster were to occur, she isn't too far down the line of succession. But let's just find comfort where we can, knowing that our new administration is being run by alumni of the cafeteria's popular kids table.
Don't get me wrong, I hope Obama is the best President we've ever had. I just question several of his appointments and have this nagging feeling like we've just elected the most popular boy in school to be student body president. You remember, right? He pledged to make the cafeteria food taste better and put an end to all the gym-class-bullying. Well, in actuality, we all knew those things were quite unlikely to happen, but everyone voted for him 'cause he drove a Camaro or had cool hair or whatever.
So let's hope that Obama can do even 50% of what he's set out to do. Certainly I've been wrong about elections before. Back in the olden days (pre-blogs, but Brian may remember, as we were watching the returns in Woodies and both pleading for Nader not to accidentally become president via some as-yet-unknown hanging chad fiasco), I infamously said that I thought Bush would be nothing but a status-quo President, a care-taker of the office if you will. Whoops. Love him or hate him, there's no question that the office and the country are in a very different place today than they were 8 years ago.
So, Mr. Obama, here's to the future! Please don't fuck it all up. We know where you live.