holy ass-kicking bands batman!
5/31/03@Swayze's: Nuclear Saturday, 7/10 Split, Stranger By Day, The Whole Nine, Mourning Star
6/4/03@Neutron Bomb: Give up the Ghost (American Nightmare), Every Time I Die, Black Cross, My Chemical Romance, Instilled
6/9/03@Masquerade: In Flames, Soilwork, Unearth, Chimaira
6/13/03@Masquerade: Hatebreed, Agnostic Front, Biohazard, Throwdown, Full Blown Chaos
6/14/03@Swayze's: Staring Back, A Small Victory, Two Week Notice, Style Over Substance, Copeland
6/15/03@Swayze's: Time In Malta, Armor For Sleep, The Letters Organize
6/16/03@Capri Cinema: Evergreen Terrace, Remembering Never, On Broken Wings, Scarlet
It's going to be a busy couple weeks... I don't know how I'm going to see all these awesome shows and go to school at the same time, but I suppose I'll figure something out.