I would just like to say that the job search process blows. I know there's a Georgia Employer's Career Fair tomorrow at school. I'm sure it will be at least as worthless as the one I went to in September because there will be less companies there and no one there is in a position to hire anyone, they'll just say, "submit your resume online," which I can do in my boxers from the comfort of my recliner instead of the discomfort of my suit at the McTit. But I've decided to go anyway and try to be optimistic. So I spent 45 minutes today trying to find a list of employers (I had to resort to using Google before I turned up anything useful, albeit crappy) who would be there (and hopefully, haha, a list of majors they were interested in) tomorrow so I could figure out how to budget my time and who to talk to. [Tangent Warning: GT has, without a doubt, the worst-organized collection of websites on earth. It's so hard to find any useful information about anything on any official GT site, and half the time, that information is out of date. But that's a whole separate beef that I have with Tech. As Brian puts it, "since when has this school done anything right?"] Anyway, back to the job searching thing, which blows, in case you missed it the first time. There are a million websites out there with job listings, but they all have different formats in their postings and want your resume uploaded in different ways and some of them make you create a new resume from scratch using their forms, which is just stupid. *sigh* Can't I just stay in school until I'm eligible for social security benefits? Basically, what all this job searching comes down to is that you have to know someone in order to get a job. All these websites and all this data floating around will never get me a job. Real human contact is the only way to score gainful employment, which is why I'm trying to convince myself to go to this career fair tomorrow. But I suspect nothing will pan out from that anyway. Whatever. I'm going to call Best Buy tomorrow and check on the status of the application I filled out to work there. That's just so much easier than all this bullshit.