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Question of the Day: If you know someone is coming over, shouldn't you be awake when they do? Or at the very least conscious enough to hear them knocking, quite loudly, on the front door 4 times in two minutes?

Let me explain: I was awoken this morning at 8:45 am by the sound of someone gently rapping, rapping at my apartment door. "Tis the UPS man," I thought, "and nothing more." I wasn't expecting any packages, so I rolled over and went back to sleep. For about 15 seconds when he knocked again. And then he knocked louder about a minute later. And even louder shortly thereafter. I dragged my sleepy self to the front door to see what the hell was so important. "Hi, is Waqar home?" I'm thinking, it's 8:45 am, why aren't you home? Instead I went to see if Waqar was home. He was, in fact, home, curled up in bed fast asleep, like I deserve to still be. So I let the guy in and told him Waqar was still in bed but he was welcome to go wake him up. I'm curious what Charlie is doing here, but it's really none of my business. At least, it would be none of my business if his arrival hadn't necessitated my getting out of bed at 8:45 this morning. And I know Waqar was expecting him, because his bedroom door was halfway open, presumably to hear him knocking. This almost never happens, even in the middle of the day when he's wide awake. Grrrr... Well, I think I'm angry enough to go back to bed now...

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  • I'm Rev. Adam
  • From Oakton, Virginia, United States
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