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Who's brilliant idea was it to destroy cars and light things on fire just because the sports team at your school won a big game? I know this is not a new phenomenon. I just wish I understood it. I understand the importance of celebrating, believe me. But how is destroying other people's property celebrating? I hope every single person in those pictures gets expelled and fined for the amount of damage they caused. It's one thing to tear down the goal posts at a football game. That's a time-honored tradition unoffically encouraged by almost every school. But looting, rioting, vandalism, and arson hardly fall into the same category. It's wrong for the same reason that throwing footballs at opposing chearleaders' heads is wrong. Sure, it might seem funny when you're drunk or if you're just an asshole, but how would you feel if you were one carted off to the hospital because a rowdy fan gave you a concussion? Or if you came out of your apartment the next morning to see the upside-down burned out husk of your car? Or got to your store only to find that all your windows were smashed and all your merchandise was gone? Why don't you put yourself in someone else's shoes for a change and think about the consequences before "celebrating" next time. If this is the kind of shit that's going to happen, I'm glad GT didn't win the national championship. I'd like to think that as a student body we're better than that, but I have my doubts sometimes.

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  • I'm Rev. Adam
  • From Oakton, Virginia, United States
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