As for internet at my uncle's house, because I'm 2 stories down from the router, wireless won't reach, and I have enough cable to get down there, but I don't want to run 200 feet of cable all over the house (well, I want to...), so I'm trying this thing that Bellsouth gave him. It plugs into the phone line and then has a USB adapter to the computer. So right off, I knew it would suck. It supposedly can operate up to 10Mbps, but I benchmarked it last night using DSL Reports and I was getting 1kbps down and 9 kbps up. Yeah. That's worse than a 2400 baud modem downstream. This must be remedied as soon as possible. I will shrivel up and die using something that archaic. I just might have to route some cat5 through a heating duct or something so I don't lose my mind.