All my stuff is in my apartment now. It's by no means organized or put away, but it's all there. I still need to get *shudder* Cox to come out and hook my cable up and I'm trying to wrangle a *shudder* D-Link cable modem from my mom so I don't have to buy one or lease one. I might swing by Best Buy though and pick up a Linksys anyway, just so I know it will function properly. I still have a car load of stuff at my parents' house that I've been using that needs to go over, but by the end of the weekend I should be marginally settled just in time to start the daily grind or full time employment. I ordered a new cell phone last night and am getting a new plan and number that I'll pass along shortly once I'm happy with my phone and service. Everything's fallen into place nicely for the most part, let's hope it stays that way.