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How to know you have an active social life: You spend Friday night with your parents. In all fairness, they are leaving the country soon for the next 2-4 years, so I figured I should spend some time with them before they're off. We had grilled steak, salmon, and tuna for dinner. Quite tasty. Then we rushed out to the Centerville Multiplex to see Collateral. It was entertaining, though I would have changed the ending. Also, Tom Cruise reminds me way too much of Richard Gere (but with less acting ability) in the movie. And I didn't get to see the preview for the Ray Charles movie that Jamie Foxx stars in like I'd hoped. I did however see a preview for an animated film called Shark Tales (or something close to that) about a vegetarian shark and a weird fish trying to prove himself. Huh. *cough* Finding Nemo ripoff *cough* *cough* You might also be interested to know that while I was standing in the lobby I saw on a fuzzy screen way too high up a preview for a movie version of Phantom of the Opera. I'm torn on this. I love the musical, because although the story is good, I really love the music. I'm not sure if the movie will be almost all musical like Chicago (probably a good thing), or if it's just an adaptation of the musical itself like Les Miserables (probably a bad thing). But the footage looked really well done, so I'll keep my eyes peeled. I didn't recognize anyone famous, so I'm hoping they cast good singers and it will be a well done musical. We'll see though, it's due out at Christmas.

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  • I'm Rev. Adam
  • From Oakton, Virginia, United States
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