« Home | Inspired by the fact that I use linux all the time... » | So I finally got together with Kimber last night. ... » | It feels like there's an elephant standing on my b... » | Man, I wish I was going to this show. But I'm def... » | Yes, I'm reading ESPN.com at work. No, I don't fe... » | Poor poor Reggie Ball. He's got the lowest comple... » | Chicken soup rules. » | It's good when you go to bed at 11:30 (as opposed ... » | I netted $15 at poker tonight, but had to leave ea... » | Ken Jennings finally broke the $2M mark on Jeopard... »

Today's million dollar question: do I work late tonight with the expectation that I'll feel worse tomorrow than I do today, so then I can go home early tomorrow, or do I leave work now, take a nap before the game, and hopefully feel well enough tomorrow to put in a full 8 hour day? What a dilemma... I've been walking into walls today because my brain isn't operating fast enough to calculate whether my shoulder is far enough away from the wall when I turn a corner to avoid hitting it. This happens quite frequently when I'm not feeling well. In a related story, I decided that's why Stephen Hawking is so smart. His brain never has to worry about controlling his muscles or anything, so all that brain power can be used for other things. As for me, all my brain power today is being used trying to prevent me from falling down a flight of stairs, sitting down on thin air a foot away from my chair, and trying to drink water with my ear instead of my mouth. So far it's been only mildly successful. I hate when my mind is so cloudy. It just makes doing everything else so difficult when I have to focus all my energy on basic motor skills. I'd love to take an IQ test right now. I'll bet it'd be below 100 instead of my usual 145+.

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  • I'm Rev. Adam
  • From Oakton, Virginia, United States
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