The guys at Penny Arcade never cease to amaze me. After last year's smashing $250,000 success, they are again running their Child's Play charity. This year they're operating in Seattle again, but have added Children's Hospitals in Oakland, San Diego, Houston, and DC. At their charity auction last night, they raised over $17,000 alone. And with reader donations and corporate contributions they're already over $100,000. All toys, games, systems, etc can be bought on and sent directly to one of the 5 participating Children's Hospitals. Please help them out in any way possible. Buy something to make a sick, bed-ridden child's holidays a little brighter. Contact your local news media and convince them to run a story on Child's Play. And tell all your friends to help too. Donations are tax-deductible and are guaranteed to make an immediate difference in a child's life.