Last night I crawled into bed aroudn 11 and read for a while, then turned the light at around 11:30 and went to bed. At 4:30 am I found myself jolted awake on the floor next to my fouton with the TV on VH1. Apparently Gwen Stefani has a new song out that she basically stole from Fiddler on the Roof. The VJ, at the end of the video, was talking about how great and kooky the song was and in no way mentioned anything about the fact that it was way better when Zero Mostel or Topol sang it. Why was my TV even on VH1? I know I Love the 90's has been on recently, but the last thing I remember watching last night was a show on teh History Channel about Custer's failings as a military tactitian in his defeat at Little Big Horn. Also, when and how did I end up in the living room when I clearly recall being tired and in bed when I turned the lights off at 11:30. I guess I woke up and went out to the livign room and was flipping channels or somehting and fell asleep again wwatching VH1, then, thinking I was still in bed, I rolled over and fell off the fouton which woke me up again. I was either really really out of it last night (more or less true) or I'm sleepwalking (also possible, though somewhat less likely). The last time I went for a walk in my sleep, as I recall, was when I was two or three and my parents found me downstairs trying to undo the deadbolt on the front door. *shrug* Oh well. We'll just chalk this one up to me having sleeping isues recently.