Oh, how I've missed real snow! =) We've got maybe an inch total in teh last couple hours, but it seems to have stopped snowing now. As usual, people drive like idiots the minute precipitation exists in any form, so getting to Carderock and back took forever. I was gone from the office for 4 hours to do about 30 minutes of work. But whatever, those are billable hours, so I guess I can't really complain. Especially when I'm getting about $26.50 an hour to sit in the car and listen to music. It just seems like I coudl have been using my own time more productively. *shrug* Oh well. Now that I'm back at work though, it's time to get some real work done. But it was exciting to see actual snow today for a coupel hours and to be outside walking around in it. I even caught some flakes on my tongue! =)