Dave's housewarming party was hardly a party. It was our 4 regulars for poker, plus John's roommate Cam. So we just played poker until 1 am. I broke even on the one game I won and went out 3rd every other time. I had fun I guess, and Dave's townhouse is pretty nice. But that's two nights in a row I've been out past 1 am. And with my inability to sleep past 10 am anymore, I'm not recooperating at all on the weekends like I need to be after being tired all week long at work. So at the risk of sounding unpopular and way uncool (when I was either of those things anyway?), in the words of Lt. Murtaugh, "I'm getting too old for this shit." The thing is, on a daily basis, I don't feel old. It's only when I have to get out of bed, especially after going to bed late and waking up much too early for no good reason. I'm only 23, it's not like I'm even in my 30's yet or anything. I guess I just need to go back to being lame old Adam who never goes anywhere or does anything on the weekends so I can have a chance to rest up for the coming weeks and weeks and weeks and weeks with no vacation until Memorial Day (with the exception of me taking Valentine's Day off to go see Emily, but that will hardly be a restful weekend I'm sure).