I had this dream last night that I was Simon Belmont (or possibly Nathan Graves), and I was in a castle. I don't think I was trying to seal Dracula (again), but there were defintiely a lot of monsters. I'm not sure what brought on this particular dream. I mean, yeah, I played Castlevania - Circle of the Moon this year, but I beat it over a month ago. Then I started trying to play it over again in Wizard mode, but subsequently got hooked on Warioware again, and haven't thought about Castlevania since. I dunno. But I was racing through the castle and got all the way to the end and then I had a panic attack because I kept attacking this one fire monster and every time I hit him with my arrows (which I fired by pulling back an imaginary bow and pointing my middle finger at my target) it kept getting bigger and bigger. So I kept backtracking and this thing kept coming at me and I kept having to dodge lesser monsters as I was backpedaling. Finally a witch stopped the fire monster but she was just as dangerous so I jumped over the ledge of the stair case I was on and tried to escape the castle a different way but got stuck on the wrong level and ended up having to fight my way back to the fire monster and the witches (there were more of them now). I just remember walking across a rafter like a balance beam and the fire monster getting tall enough to reach me hundreds of feet in the air and me having to jump off as the rafters caught fire. Then I woke up and it took a good several minutes for my heart rate to return to normal. I wouldn't call this a nightmare (despite the way I've described it), so I was kind of surprised to wake up breathing so heavily and with a fast pulse. Oh well. It's not the strangest dream I've ever had, it just struck me as kind of odd this morning.