Apart from the Saturday sunburn and pollen festival, I had a pretty good weekend. Lots of delicious food, good BBQs, etc. Emily and I spent a good bit of time with her parents at her aunt and uncle's in Bethesda/Kensington. Her little cousins Graham and Julia are so adorable. Julia reminds me so much of the way Tabitha was when I lived with the Tavenners and Graham bears an eerie resemblance to myself at 10. I was much less social, but certainly as mischievous ("Graham, get off the mud." "I'm not in the mud, I'm on the hose.") and inquisitive. We decided to skip the Mall on the fourth and do fireworks in a less crowded setting that didn't involve the Metro and its wacky schedule and station closings. I'm sad I missed the Star Wars performance, but it's on my DVR for me to watch later tonight while we prepare my apartment for the next big thing: new pets!! We're picking them up on Thursday and they're going to be living in a cage we borrowed from Tommy and Steph (thanks guys!). We got a much better deal on them than what the girl was originally asking. They're both between 1-2 years old, so they should have another 8-12 years left. One of them is pedigreed if we were ever to breed them, but right now we're really only interested in pets. They're both females, so we're trying to come up with some good girl duos for potential names (currently, the black one is Nightshade and the grey one is Spunky). Emily came up with Laverne and Shirley and I came up with Sophitia and Cassandra. Go figure ;) Pictures of our fuzzy little friends will be posted after we get them settled in later this week.