I know the NBA Draft was a while ago now, but I had sorta forgotten about it until I saw ESPN at the bar at Logan's at lunchtime. So Jarret got picked up by the Nuggets along with Julius Hodge. Knowing they'd kill each other on the same team, they arranged a trade a couple hours later to move Jarret over to Portland. Although I'm happy for our awesome point guard that he was picked up in the first round, I'm really kind of bummed for Tech to be losing our only hope of a strong season next year. Without a seasoned leader like Jack, Tech has no one to guide them on the floor. I know we have a lot of young talent, but we're going to get eaten alive next year in the ACC. On the plus side, it will give the younger players time to gel as a team, so maybe the year afterwars, we'll be a strong force again. We'll see. For me, the NBA is like a black hole. Once you enter it, I assume you no longer exist. So this is probably the last you will hear about Jarret from me unless it's referring to his absence from the McTit come January.